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Greek Paradise

GForce Productions

By: Mary Garay

About Me 

I'm Mary Garay and a junior at Burr and Burton Academy. Manchester Vermont has been my home for 16 years. My whole family lives in Manchester which can be frustrating but I am glad that we are all so close. My grandparents, aunts, uncle, and cousins all live here. 


One thing I love to do is travel with my friends. I recently just traveled to Guatemala and will be doing it again this winter. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I met so many people and learned so much about traveling. We went to orphanages and work with local businesses to learn more about the countries and help them. 


Being on a team has always been really important to me. I love to play basketball because my team is my family. My AAU team has been playing together for almost 5 years. In those 5 years, we have been playing together, separately, and in different groups throughout the years. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. One of our accomplishes is winning the AAU Vermont State Championship in 2017. 


"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."


My friends, family, and cat take a lot of room in my heart. My mom and I got a cat last year because we wanted a bigger family. Her name is Lola but we never call her that, I call her kitty mostly. All of my friends love her because she loves to play and cuddle with us. 

Sumer 2018 I spent at the pool in Manchester as a lifeguard. This was my first time being a lifeguard and let me say it's a lot harder than I thought. If I wasn't watching over children in the pool and making bracelets in the guard room, I was babysitting. I babysat for this one family that had four kids, Ella, Andrew, Charlotte, and Samantha, were my kids for the summer. 

Advanced Questions 2019 

1. I appreciate a lot more about cinema now that I have taken the class. I really enjoy working behind the scenes now that I know what I can do. Helping the actors and the director is fun and not a lot of people can do it. I also enjoy coming up with new film ideas and try to make it alive. 

2. Working with the camera is something I really need to work on, I need to learn how to use different lenses and cameras. Also I'm not very good at editing. It takes me a long time to even do simple editing that anyone can do. So my goal is to work with someone that can edit well and spend time learning and working with them. I'm not sure yet who that is but I know I can ask Jared to help. 

3. My work ethic last year was okay. I didn't know what I was doing and didn't know many people in the class so I was shy and just wasn't motivated to create silly things that no one else wanted to do. Although I did do all of my work in time and anything that Muench wanted me to do I did. 

4. This semester I'm ready to make films and work hard. I feel more confident and excited then I did before. I'm willing to do anything and everything that Muench or the other students need me to do. I'm very excited for this semester and what I'm going to film. I already have many ideas and I'm putting them out there for people to take. 

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